Brussels has a good transportation system, and here you can use four (six) metrolines, trams and lots of buses. These should be able to get you from A to B, so if you just take a small look at our metro map and read the rest of our transportation information you will already have a good overview before you arrive.
The prices of the public transportation in Brussels are quite okay, but you can find more information about those at our public transportation page. If you arrive with flight to Belgium, you will probably arrive to Charleroi Airport or to Brussels Airport. Here you will find information about how to get to Brussels from the different airports.
Good luck and happy travelling in Brussels and Belgium!
Transportation in Brussels:
Charleroi to Brussels
More and more travelers arrive with low-cost carriers to the Charleroi Airport a good distance outside Brussels. It is not...
To and from Brussels Airport
Most of the larger airlines (also known as the expensive airlines) travel to Brussels Airport (not Charleroi). The low-cost carriers...
Public transportation
The public transportation in Brussels is fine, and you can easily get around using it. The most important and frequently...
Metro map
Brussels has a very good metro system, with four metro lines in total. On many maps you will see six...
Train in Belgium
The easiest way to travel in Belgim is by using the train/railway. The railway net is well built and it...